Design-build of our first Em4 continues. Jesse worked with our Marion, Illinois machine shop today to finish details on the standpipe mechanism; he and the shop are doing a great job. The design is adventurous, so we'll either have a beautiful little machine or a ~$1,500 stainless steel flower vase.
Using her soils and geotechnical skills, Cara finished up some research on plastic media our models use. We must know more about this stuff than anybody. Here she examines how it takes dye, one method we're trying to key particle size to color. Big surprise, this, too, turned out to be hideously complicated.
Flow metering gear for the Em4 arrived today. It looks good. All we have to do is read the 50-page manual, wire it, calibrate it, connect it, test it, and avoid breaking and/or burning it up.Labels: color-coded media, development, em4, modeling media, plastic media, standpipe